about me.

i am a writer.

I write for the curious, the passionate, for the shadows inside us. I write for the music notes and song lyrics of our souls, for the tears that fall and the pain that shreds us. I write to feel something in a world so numb I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

I write to heal myself.

I write for you.



Erica M. Chapman writes what she feels and doesn't hold back. She credits the experience of writing Teach Me to Forget to saving her life and believes every moment can have levity, even the saddest ones. Her speciality is smart-ass characters, short sentences, making her readers cry, and humor. You can probably find her making a fool of herself on TikTok, typing her next story on her favorite MacBook, or posting videos of her cats or the ducks outside her window. Her writing is represented by Christa Heschke of McIntosh & Otis. Follow her @ericamchapman on social where she attempts to keep up with the newest channel that everyone is joining.

Listen to the kids. They know better than us.

kids lives>guns.

it’s important to talk about mental health.